Sunday, March 21, 2010

Tiahrt Goes Blogging, Hypocrisy Prevails

Recently, the Pittsburg Morning Sun has given Representatives Tiahrt and Moran a forum where they can blog about issues that are important to Kansans and Americans. Like most messages coming out of Tiahrt’s campaign, this blog entry is abundant with hypocrisy and lacking on straight talk.

While much of the entry is an exercise in rhetoric and nothing else, the most glaring section of hypocrisy comes when Tiahrt (or whichever one of his staffers actually penned the entry) wrote, “For years I have been fighting for reduced spending . . .” As loyal readers to my blog would know, this is just not true. According to the 2009 Club for Growth RePork Card, Mr. Tiahrt has voted in favor of anti-Pork amendments an upsettingly low 29% of the time.

Todd Tiahrt’s voting record is synonymous with wasteful spending and it is just untruthful to try to convince the public otherwise. It is sickening how he and his campaign release writing like this with a straight face, and act like Mr. Tiahrt is a true conservative that has been fighting earmarks for all of his time in Congress. He just hasn’t been doing this, and we should know better.

Wastlessly yours,



  1. I noticed your rhetoric is getting a little bit more aggressive and a lot more untruthful. Interesting. Moran voted for a 400 million dollars slush fund. You failed to mention that. Jerry yells from the roof top how he is against earmarks but yet he himself pushes for them. In fact, the 400 million was pork not an earmark. Morans record is synonymous for wasteful spending and to claim he is a true conservative is pathetic and is a lie. Good try Mr. John Blevins. Can't wait till your colleagues see the untruthfulness you are spewing. You were even called out on another blog for your untruthfulness. As you know there is a difference between pork and earmarks. Your blog is again misleading. Many of the amendments stop spending to create jobs and provide for defense. Todd believes in earmark reform and always has. Todd does not believe in pork but believes in the appropiate use of taxpayer funds. Furthermore, earmarks don't increase the budget rather they direct were the monies are going. So as a republican, I appreciate Tiahrt's responsible use of Kansas taxpayer money to bring it back to Kansas to create and keep jobs instead of allowing the Obama administration to direct where it should go unlike Jerry Moran. I agree there is a difference between pork and earmarks, but if you really look at what Todd votes for, it is responsible earmarks, not pork. The pork report does a terrible job of this and is against any earmark. Moran obviously is against defending our country and helping to bring jobs to our state and country. Just because you are a democrate Mr. Blevins, doesn't mean you have to be untruthful. And publius, you are a democrat. Another reason to vote for Tiahrt. Democrats want Jerry to be in office because he will not have the strong voice that Todd does. I hope you continue this untruthfulness because it shows the type of people the are employed by Jerry and the type of people who support Jerry. Todd is the only true conservative. Jerry, well, he just isn't honest and his campaign proves it. Again, good try Mr. Law Professor from Texas.

  2. Did you see Todd stuttering his way through some rule challenge yesterday. Is that the first time he has spoken in public?

  3. No, but I did see the democrats shuttering. Did you see Moran? No, because he didn't have the guts to stand up against the democrats. Tiahrt was the first congressman to stand up in front of the large croud in front of the capital and address them. Moran only milled around for a little bit and took pictures.

  4. The current Democrat Congress is the most irresponsible and dishonest Congress in history.

    I don't think "earmarks" are always bad, as they began as a way to hold the vast, unelected beauracracy in check. Many times, Congress THOUGHT they were voting on a particular item, only to see that department change the rules, after the vote, or change the specs, after the vote.

    Earmarks do NOT generate more spending, they only allocate what has already been appropriated. Yes, they can be abused, but ---

    As stated, Moran is for outright PORK, on more than one occassion. Moran is far better than any Democrat, but Moran has no standing to attack Tiahrt on the spending issue.

    Todd Tiahrt has been a very responsible steward of our tax dollars.
