Thursday, March 25, 2010

Fighting for Something

Earlier this week, Mr. Tiahrt criticized his opponent for the US Senate seat (Rep. Jerry Moran), for not being present during Sunday’s critical health care debate. Mr. Tiahrt claimed that instead of being on the floor fighting against ObamaCare, Mr. Moran was taping some sort of television commercial. Expectedly, Mr. Moran’s people have fought back against the claims saying that they are completely untrue and baseless. They say that Mr. Moran didn’t film a commercial, and that he was on the floor when the House session began.

Honestly, I have no idea which side is correct in this. This writer seems to think that Mr. Tiahrt’s claims are dubious, but this is really the type of “he said, she said” situation where it is impossible to know who is telling the truth and who is just spewing rhetoric. Because of this, I was going to leave the situation alone and not even mention it.

But then I read yesterday that Mr. Tiahrt was missing votes on Tuesday so that he could—well, I actually don’t know what he was doing during these votes. Tiahrt missed the vote on H.Res. 1186, which designates April as National Distracted Driving Awareness Month. He missed the vote on H.R. 3976 which extends mortgage and foreclosure protections to SERVICE MEMBERS through December 2015; and he missed the vote on H.R. 4592 which authorizes funds to create a program that will help to train veterans for employment in energy-related positions.

Does Todd Tiahrt not care about our nation’s service members?

The fact of the matter is that Mr. Tiahrt has spent the earlier part of this week launching claims about his opponent that are incredibly dubious. Meanwhile, he was actually missing votes in the house that are important pieces of legislation. Sure, his presence at these votes would not have had any impact on the outcome, but it is just another example of Mr. Tiahrt spending his time fighting for himself instead of for the Kansans and, more importantly, the American veterans.

I don’t know who’s right in their “he said, she said” argument, but I do know what Mr. Tiahrt is fighting for: himself.

Fightingly yours,



  1. I had gallery tix and I saw Congressman Moran with my own two eyes. This is really getting out of control

  2. Tiahrt was campaigning in KC during the votes.

  3. Tiahrt was at the Johnson County Republican Party Elephant Club Lunch trashing Moran.

  4. Jerry was filming a commercial/campaign spot on Sunday. Go to his website. You will see it. In addition, a campaign email was sent on Sunday. So nothing dubious. It is factual. Todd never mentioned TV Commercial, that was Jerry's unethical campaign manager. So while Todd was on the floor fighting where was Jerry. Shooting a campaign spot. Although Jerry made his vote, he never came to the floor to fight. He just sat back and did nothing as he usually does. It is unfortunate you want to twist this around. I would also encourage you to check on Todd's voting records for Veterans. It is excellent.

  5. On Sunday the House did not go into session until 2:00. Did you ever think that was filmed before 2:00? Also if that was a campaign commercial, that was the worst campaign commercial I have ever seen.

    Get a clue guys-

  6. I agree Jerry's campaign spot which is on his website and was sent out was bad. What's worse was arguements were going on well before 2 on the floor but Jerry was not seen.
