Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Still Forgotten Fourth

Todd Tiahrt is moving on.

In a move he claims is for the good of Kansans and America, Todd Tiahrt is leaving behind his much beloved and controlled congressional seat in the 4th district for a chance at greater fame and personal glory in the United States Senate. While I have discussed this before, I must bring it up again because the Democratic Party is now attempting to capitalize on Mr. Tiahrt’s abandonment of his district.

The DCCC has recently launched a Red-to-Blue campaign that is targeting eleven congressional seats around the country to take out of Republican hands, and Mr. Tiahrt’s beloved 4th District seats is one of them. With the outlook for which party controls Congress next year tightening, is it really best for America and Kansas if Mr. Tiahrt is elected to the Senate and his party loses his former seat?

I believe that Mr. Tiahrt should work harder to ensure that his seat remains in Republican hands, and right now he simply isn’t doing enough. While Tiahrt might say that he is a conservative first and a Republican second, the ability for lawmakers to pass a conservative agenda depends on the Republican party having control of Congress and in an election season that is shaping up to be tight, EVERY SEAT COUNTS.

It’s certainly too late for Mr. Tiahrt to drop out of the Senate race and start a House campaign, and I’m not asking him to do this, all I am asking him to do is show a little more support for the conservative candidates in his former district and to try his best to actually help America instead of merely working for himself.

Selflessly yours,


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