Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Republicans Second?

In her recent interview with the Abilene Reflector-Chronicle Vicki Tiahrt makes an often used argument in proclaiming that she and her husband are, “conservatives first, and Republicans second.” It’s tough to argue with her use of this rhetorical device as many politicians have used countless sound bites that attempt to align themselves with causes over parties.

My question for the Tiahrts, however, is if this decision is one that was made by their own disposition, or if it is one that was made out of political necessity.

Last week, Tiahrt received a foursome of endorsements from conservative leaders: Kay James, the President of some random DC interest group; Colin Hanna, the President of another random DC interest group; Mathew Staver, the founder and Chairman of yet another random DC interest group; and Morton Blackwell, some activist from Virginia.

While I offer my congratulations to Mr. Tiahrt for receiving the endorsements of these conservative leaders, I fail to see why the people of Kansas should care about what these people think. Not only do none of these people live or work in Kansas, but they seemingly have no connection to our great state. Who are these people, and why should we care what they think?

I believe that Mr. Tiahrt and his wife are positioning themselves as “conservatives first, and Republicans second” because these are the type of endorsements that are flocking to the Tiahrt campaign. Sure, they are probably great people and upstanding citizens (I won’t pretend to have any idea who they are), but they have no reasonable connections to the Republican party in Kansas (or even the US Senate).

If the Tiahrt campaign really wanted to represent Kansas, they would position themselves as conservatives AND Republicans first, because these two things are NOT mutually exclusive. However, the Tiahrt campaign is having difficulties referring to their candidate as a true Republican because they have failed to receive a significant number of endorsements from current Republican officeholders and party leaders.

While the Tiahrts continue to call themselves conservatives first as they wait for more Republican endorsements, I’ll keep watching as they try to make their case for the primary . . . the REPUBLICAN PRIMARY.

Republicanly yours,


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