Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Money Talks

I hate being righteous, but yesterday's predictions came to fruition today. Todd Tiahrt's campaign released their 4th Quarter numbers, and they were far more damaging that expected.

Mr. Tiahrt's campaign raised a measly $195K and spent $271K.

Yes that is correct fellow Kansans. Mr. Tiahrt, the denizen of fiscal conservatism outspent himself once again, dwindling his Cash-On-Hand to a paltry $1.32 Million. Mr. Tiahrt's opponent raised $404K and has over $3.7 Million Cash-On-Hand.

These embarrassing numbers, coupled with the new poll showing Mr. Tiahrt 7 points behind lays the groundwork for a possible exit from this race, and retirement to the Tiahrt home in Virginia.

In the next couple of days, I will provide full analysis of the finance report. Suffice to say, there appears to be a reason Mr. Tiahrt has elevated the petty rhetoric of his campaign.

Cents-ibly Yours,



  1. love you. love your blog.

  2. Publius(Anonymous Liberal), obviously doesn't understand this race. But I wouldn't expect a law professor from TX to truly understand it Money is not a factor in this race. How did Todd outspend himself. He has 1.3 mil in the bank. If he outspent himself, then he would be in debt. Your arguement is terrible. I expect more from you. Polls - are you kdding me. These polls have fluctuated so much, you would be a fool to even consider them a factor. That fact is Todd will continue to gain momentum and win votes. He was by far the clear winner at Kansas Days. He is consistent unlike Moran who has to lie to Kansans to try to win votes. Publius, you have to do better. Also, you supporting Todd will only continue to help Todd.

  3. Actually your support of Jerry will only help Todd. My mistake.

  4. Todd's new video is laughable. I hope their media guy gave it to the campaign for free.

    6 minutes of crap.

  5. Liberal? Hardly.

    The TT camp is running scared and their defunct staff coupled with an asinine "grassroots" strategy isn't working. Get a clue and step aside.

  6. Actually it is Jerry who is running scared. He got rid of his campaign director and his communications director. This is what I call running scared. Jerry better run for the hills because he is only embarrassing himself.
