Sunday, January 10, 2010

Hang Up the Phone Todd

Recently, Todd Tiahrt was involved in a ‘conference call’ for the Maryland Independent Party (you can listen to it here, but I warn you it is painfully long to listen to). During the ‘conference call’ the group describes themselves as “Recovering Republicans” who are working to support candidates from other political parties that match their agenda.

While they claim to have a broader agenda, it appears that this is simply an ultra-right-wing fringe, lifer birther group.

The group starts their discussion with Congressman Tiahrt by pressing him on the issue of whether or not Obama meets the citizenship qualifications of the Presidency. They press Tiahrt about why he didn’t speak up when the Electoral College votes were counted. The conference call then moves forward dissecting their opinions of how Naturalized citizenship works. To his credit, Tiahrt largely stays out of this ridiculous discussion.

The moderators of the call then move the discussion toward their main issue, which is the pro-life movement and Congressman Tiahrt’s support of the Stupak Amendment. It is here in the discussion that Tiahrt must fend off the groups advances as they senselessly attack him for not being 100% behind the pro-life movement and for supporting the Stupak Amendment (even though no Republican voted against the Amendment).

I believe that Tiahrt was correct in supporting the Stupak Amendment, and justifications he gives for his actions are also sound and logical. The problem for Mr. Tiahrt, however, was that he wasn’t dealing with sound and logical people in this conference call. And further, he becomes incredibly defensive, angry, and at times belligerent during the call. While their objectives might be worthy, this group does not have a rational method for obtaining them.

Not only are the group’s methods questionable, but they speak like a bunch of angry schoolchildren. After Tiahrt finally leaves the call, the in-fighting amongst the contributors sounds like to a brother and sister fighting over the last Christmas cookie. These people make the partisan bickering of a show like the ill-fated Crossfire look like a pleasant discussion. None of the contributors seems knowledgeable, respectable, nor classy.

My question for Mr. Tiahrt would be: Why did he and his aides choose to put him on this conference call? Is he so desperate for endorsements that he felt he needed to take part in this craziness? Is he trying to prove to Kansas voters that he really is a hard right conservative who’s views are not in line with the majority of Americans?

I think somebody in Tiahrt’s campaign screwed up with the vetting process of this organization, and that Tiahrt never should have been allowed. His appearance on the call, through no fault of his own, helps to align his views and opinions with those of a disorganized and disingenuous organization that is seemingly separated from the realities of Washington politics and the real world.

If Todd Tiahrt wants to prove that he can represent all of Kansas, he needs to stop palling around with groups that make him look like an idiot and start appearing with grown-ups.

Yours in the mainstream,



  1. Someone in Tiahrt's campaign screwed up? Naahhhhh! ;-)

  2. It wasn't Vicki on the call. She was busy TWITTERING.
